Game Developer Survey
We have been listening to you for the last 6 years. Please take a few minutes to fill this out, we want to hear from you!
We are currently looking to expand our services provided to Game Developers/Development Teams/Studios.
Automated Online System
Major Platforms like Steam take big cuts from your sales from your game sales. You are also limited in access to data.
What if we told you, we want to build a system that is completely yours for your game.
The system would compromise of your own website, your own licensing system, your own user login/registration system AND all of this would be accessible from your GLCV3 launchers? So your users could register/login/access certain games within your launchers…
You could even access all of this directly from your game too (with Unity/UE etc.)
Your players would purchase your game directly from your OWN website which would generate them their own unique serial key. They can use this to install your game to their computer and you would have complete administration over the licenses, the add-ons, the users, the ordering system etc.
The alternative is, we build our own Store online, sell the product on your behalf and we keep a % of the sales, but you still get access to all the above (serial keys/catalog/add-ons/users and information).
We are toying around with ideas and would really appreciate your input.
If this is something that interests you? If so, please write some notes below (or ask questions).